In almost every Windows OS release so far, we've changed something major in the OS subsystems, to improve the Windows infrastructure. And that generally screws up application or driver compatibility:
Windows 95
Long file names - Application developers had to fix their applications to support long file names. (A good thing, though: What is in 1NTINPRS.AVI?)
Windows NT
Driver developers had to write drivers for a new driver framework because of the hardware abstraction layer. Actually, most of them just stayed away, and supported Win9x only.
Windows 2000
A major annoyance for driver developers, who could ignore the NT driver models up to this point. Win2k ran on NTFS, and had locked-down permissions - developers couldn't install their application's files in \windows\system anymore.
We were telling corporations to set up their users as non-admins on their machines, and for the first time, corporate users in were logging in without admin rights, breaking all sorts of enterprise apps.
Consumers just sailed past, on to:
Consumers just sailed past, on to:
Windows XP
Installed on NTFS on default - breaking lots of applications that were used to the wide-open, unsecured world of FAT32.
We were telling the dads (or moms) of the world to run as administrator, and set up non-administrator accounts for everybody else in the household. Pretty much nobody did that - they all just logged on as Administrator. A situation that almost every bit of spyware exploited.
Which brings us to the OS everybody loves to hate (that isn't actually that bad) - the fustercluck known as:
Windows Vista
This time round, punch-drunk from all our security issues, the Windows team said: Fuck it, let's just lock it all down:
AUC: All your applications will run as non-administrator, even if you have an administrator account. No excuses. We've been telling you that you should do this since 1999.
A new graphics driver infrastructure: We had to protect the system from video driver crashes, as graphics card companies care only about performance, not stability.
Session 0 Isolation: No system service can directly create a UI. Lots of drivers and antivirus apps broke, but we fixed up a major security design flaw in Windows.
At this point, I can't think of any subsystem in Windows that needs a major change. *
Of course, with every new Windows release, subsystems are tuned up and cleaned up, but as far as I can see, it does not seem like there is a major bit of architecture that we need to change radically (as far as you application and driver developers are concerned).
And that would be a good thing - your applications and drivers should then hopefully just keep on working in Windows 7. (And it does seem that we got bit in the ass a bit too hard with all the Vista appcompat issues.)
*as far as I can see. Who knows, a SuperUAC might be in the works. They might remove all security feature from the OS. They might make the UAC prompt pop up every five minutes. They might require driver writers to rewrite their drivers in Cobol.
Vista's UAC is a reaction, not guidance. It's a reaction to the poor handling and enablement by Microsoft Marketing of poor practices all these years. Microsoft didn't REALLY take Security until the S3+1 initiatives which were mid-XP (SP2). So I think you're being disingenuous when you say that MSFT 'told' vendors, it was more like 'Please do this, but if you don't want to, it's ok as long as you sign exclusive deals with us, KKTHX!'
MSFT takes the lion share of the blame for poor security focus all these years, and then an half-assed, quasi-aborted bolt-on effort that is UAC.
Microsoft needs to take a stand at some point. UAC is half-way. When you say LOCK IT DOWN, they really need to LOCK IT DOWN, as in applications break and Microsoft Marketing should spend their time educating the customers about the shoddy programming of ISVs and IHV's. They also should be spending more time educating the legion of VB6/VB.NET developers they created out there who have no clue what a privilege token is.
If they start doing that, then I know they're serious. UAC is a token gesture to security, but not a real effort towards locking Windows down.
Now only if MS had shipped all OSes with the default account that is configured/created to run as User and the admin account hidden. Poor home users were subject to 98 and Me. :) And today, I haven't seen many developers writing drivers using Windows Driver Foundation. Btw, what IS in 1NTINPRS.AVI?
BS on the idea that Microsoft told people to set up on administrator account for Mom/Dad and the rest as regular users.
In the XP install, you get 5 boxes for entering users. Each of which gets created as an administrator, doesn't it?
the registry hasn't changed in a while - perhaps it time for it to go!
Lots of folks (devs, mostly) are clamoring for the death of the registry, but I think this is exceptionally short-sighted. The registry isn't a bad idea itself, it's just a good idea badly-implemented (or perhaps abused, or simply needs updating). For example, look at how well-received Group Policy is. Group Policy would be near impossible without the registry (in reality). Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater... going back to .config/.ini files is not the way of the future. But yes, the registry is definitely a subsystem that could be revamped in a major way, and you can bet that would be a HUGE selling feature of a new version of Windows.
Well there is one little thing which isn't improved in vista. The explorer.exe is the "major"-shell-process and it crashes a lot. Well you can have two instances of it, one for the "Windows-Explorer" and one for the rest of the shell. But it still crashes too often, mainly because a lot of third-party-apps "load"-stuff into the explorer-process. If it crashes, you don't really know, if it maybe the fault of an third-party-app.
On my XP and on my Vista-Masching, explorer.exe crashes several-time for sure =(.
So you're perfectly content with how Windows drivers work? Just love the clean design of WDM with the layer on top of KMDF and UMDF?
As you keep mentioning Apple, how do YOU think it stacks up with OS X's IOKit and user mode driver facilities?
Do you think Windows' approach to 64bit with LLP leaves nothing to be desired?
You're perfectly happy with the kitchen sink, umm i mean windows registry?
Think it's a worth-while tradeoff to gain record level settings-security and supposed speed benifits, for the cost of resultingly horrible roaming profiles, corruption==no-more-windows, windows-progressively-slows-down-syndrome (wasn't it meant to improve speed?), mem hog, etc?
Just wondering mister windows dev.
Microsoft COULD do something clever about the registry with SoftGrid. They need to adapt it somehow to a standalone desktop.
someone - correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't softgrid simply tie application created registry entries to applications by providing the application with a doctored view of the registry.
Last i looked at Softgrid and Citrix' me-too, it seemed a bit problematic for general purpose solutions. for a start Citrix' AIE / AppStreaming stores all this in the user's reg hive - brilliant... :)
I agree that redirecting machine reg entries to user entries seamlessly is useful, and i think Vista does that in some circumstances - Soma; thoughts?
It also masks another problem which is permissions or the app feeling the need to write to a bunch of other reg entries that conflict with other apps.
BUT, it doesn't fix the fundamental issues with the registry - it just masks a few of them in a most un-elegant way.
Dude... WHERE do you work?
With all the work being done to reorg the kernel-mode stuff in Win7, and you're all "I can't think of any subsystem in Windows that needs a major change"??!? What do you call all the reshuffling and changing of those kernel-mode APIs then?
I'm quite impressed by your ability to say with a straight face that the new graphics driver infrastructure was meant to protect the system from video driver crashes. If that were true, it would have been done in Windows 3.1, where video driver crashes began to become annoying. No, the new GDI is for a different kind of protection: to protect Hollywood from ripping. Which reminds me of a third kind of protection: the money you pay to the local hoods so's your restaurant doesn't get torched.
yes viking SoftGrid in its current state does that. What I meant was adapting/changing it to fit a single desktop. basically they now have a full desktop app virtualization technology in softgrid, they can put it to clever use.
Adam's comment:
BS on the idea that Microsoft told people to set up on administrator account for Mom/Dad and the rest as regular users.
In the XP install, you get 5 boxes for entering users. Each of which gets created as an administrator, doesn't it?
Yep, that's sadly true. Good point. We should not have done that, but XP came out in 2001, and we were (I'm guessing) more concerned about all the 9x applications we'd be breaking by creating new users as non-admins.
Fastforward to 2004: Vista is late, and spyware is infecting a huge number of Windows XP machines. I remember a lot of articles on and other consumer-focused pages about the dangers of running as administrator. With step-by-step guides showing users how to demote their kids to non-admin users.
It was a pretty inelegant solution to the problem, obviously.
can't resist being a smart-arse at this point:
fast forward to 2004 and the Winxp-SP2 (aka winxp trustworthy computing edition) install still does the same thing.
Secure by design, secure in deployment, secure by... um? could someone refresh my memory, please...?
What! No Windows ME?
Read up on the new graphics driver system. It prevents graphics driver crashes from crashing the entire computer by putting most of the driver in user-space. I think it allows drivers to be updated without a system restart, something the lazy-ass graphics companies fail to exploit. Yes it includes the ridiculous DRM stuff but that's not the only change.
Let's not forget the significant amount of system resources Vista eats up for...what?
I wish there was some way to see the difference in overall system resource use to accomplish a single task.
The same API call to create and display a window with a button in XP chew up way more in Vista. How can you tell? Because when all the theatric UI perks are disabled, Vista is slow.
Computers don't get faster just for the OS to gobble up the horsepower!
As already stated, bolt-on is the best way to describe Vista. It was a ham-fisted attempt to make new with old all in user space.
Why can't UAC be fixed? It ought to keep an encrypted, per-user list of apps that that user has allowed, with file hashes, so that repeated approvals aren't required, just like client-side firewalls do, with a checkbox to provide a "remember this action" option. Is there a fundamental problem with this that I am missing?
Why can't UAC be fixed?? It needs to keep a per-user, encrypted list of previously-allowed apps, with file hashes, so repeated execution can bypass UAC. First use presents a "remember this action" option, just like good client-side firewalls. Is there a fundamental problem with this I am missing?
Activex is still the major security weakneess. The ability to run apps from the browser as ring 1 or zero is still being exploited in vista.
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MSFT takes the lion share of the blame for poor security focus all these years, and then an half-assed, quasi-aborted bolt-on effort that is UAC.
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